48+ Years of Service and Sustainability
Los Bravos, Inc. was founded in Charlotte, North Carolina on May 23, 1976. Fifteen (15) men from Mecklenburg and Gaston Counties organized with the purpose of offering moral support to our sister organization, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Chapter of Las Amigas, Inc. The late Superior Court Judge Clifton Johnson performed the installation ceremony at the Adam's Mark Hotel on McDowell Avenue in downtown Charlotte.
The club's major objective is to sponsor various fund raising projects and to channel the greater percentage of all proceeds back in the community for charitable and other worthwhile causes.
The men of Los Bravos accept the challenge of working diligently to improve the civic and cultural growth of Charlotte and surrounding communities.
Charter Members
Victor Alexander*
Joe Allison
James Atwater**
Joe Grier*
John Hairston*
David Hood*
Randolp Houston
Roscoe Johnson*
Samuel A. Jones
Nathan Long*
Lawrence Randolph
Edgar Tarpley*
Shedwick Williams
John Witherspoon**
Charter Members, James Atwater and John Witherspoon, Sr. were recognized for "40 Years of Dedicated Service" at the 2016 Sweethearts Ball.